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"By working with the official partner organizations, Key Clubs serve children by aiding other organizations committed to serving children."

Children's Miracle Network (CMN) is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids and increases awareness of its member hospitals. All CMN contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase up-to-date equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs, and provide healthcare for children whose parents can't afford to pay.

UNICEF is one of the most recognizable children's organizations across the world. Not only do they commit and work with Key Club International (KCI), but also with many other non-governmental organizations. 

Our 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, established March of Dimes when fighting against polio. The goal of March of Dimes is to prevent health issues in babies. That includes birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.


Among children ages 14 and under, pediatric trauma remains the leading cause of death and injury. This is more than all of the known childhood diseases combined. About 90% of those accidental injuries can be prevented.

Did you know that Fall Rally North/South is hosted annually to raise money for PTP?

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